The liability of bona fides third party in tort if business secrets is a complicated problem, lack definite stipulations to the problem in our law have caused great difficulties in judicial practices. 在商业秘密侵权中,善意第三人的责任是一个较为复杂的问题。我国法律对此缺乏明确的规定,给司法带来了困难。
The paper studies the definition of bona fides third party and its liability, the relevant legal stipulations of the foreign countries, and puts forward some suggestions in strengthening our relevant law-making with a view to perfecting our legal system in the protection of business secrets. 本文对善意第三人及其责任的界定、外国法律的有关规定进行了探讨,并对我国如何加强其立法提出了建议,以期推动我国商业秘密保护法律制度的完善。
With publicity, chattel mortgage right may challenge the bona fides third party. 动产抵押权经过公示的可以对抗善意第三人,未经公示的不可对抗善意第三人。
Last but not least, on account of the concealment of dormant partnership, it is possible to bring adverse effect on the bona fides third party and dormant partner. As for this, this thesis raises suggestions to establish restriction mechanism in order to eliminate unfavorable factors. 最后,由于隐名合伙制度设计的隐蔽性,有可能给隐名合伙人与善意第三人带来不利影响,故对此提出相关制约机制的立法建议。
The theoretical foundation of bill apparent agency is the right appearance theory which provides legitimacy foundation for the good protection of the reliance interest of the bona fides third party. 票据表见代理的理论基础为权利外观理论,其为善意第三人信赖利益的保护提供了正当性基础。